QC Tips
QC Experience Tips of Anti-counterfeit
Fake or counterfeit pose a great threat to human life and health.
Anti counterfeit is not only the responsibility of every practitioner, but also the essential skills of a Qualified supplier.
With accumulation of 20 years of experience in the center of the gray market, we dare say MDT demonstrate really outstanding QC abilities now.
We can tell over 80% counterfeit by just one pair of eyes within few minutes.
Tell over 98% counterfeit with the support from the cooperated test house.
And our testing service will be free for you, while most of testing houses charge not cheap fees.
Visual Inspection
Check the packaging condition,Outer labels,carrier tape/trays.
The actual devices will be inspected for correct markings, country of origin, datecodes, blacktopping, contamination, lead defects, tool/sand markings, logo markings, and construction defects.
These tests will tell if the components are NEW and Original from remarked
This can further prove or disprove the authenticity of ICs.
It checks whether the die has been re-assembled or re-packaged or to verify whether a gross functional failure during IC test has been generated by physical damage or overstress.