Why Choose Us

Buyer choose a suppplier as long term partner may usually consider: 

1, Price — Yes, i dare say we can beat or at least do same for 98% Best prices of all items/parts that you can get in China. Why?

Firstly, as a matter of fact, actually all Qualified experienced local suppliers have the ability to get all the SAME best prices, no matter you are a big or small company.

There are many sellers tried to pretend they are big and have a large lines as 50,000 or more of own stock, means to show they can usually support much more better prices, but actually, a seller that has 5000 lines of stock usually is a VERY big company already, although, comparing to million lines of model/part numbers multiply by thousands suppliers in this industry, it’s nothing. 

What i want to say is, in fact, excellent sourcing, Intelligence collection, and negotiating ability usually do help more to get the best prices from the whole market. We MDT, not only joint a group of related friend companies to share stock, bottom prices and Intelligence together, more over, we are good at sourcing and Intelligence collection! 

Second, it’s because we believe in low profit and long term relationship. Exchange rate factors and different Business Philosophy and profit margins make it possible.

2, Sourcing ability — Besides great friendship with the sourcing channel suppliers, our awesome Supplier Management System ( record strong line & real stock & Credit behavior in the whole China ) and Price System are our powerful weapons.

3, QC —  a, We can tell over 80% counterfeit by just one pair of eyes within few minutes. It helps very much to save a lot of time, so we can source more and try more.               

b, Tell over 98% counterfeit with the support from the cooperated test house. And we will handle the testing fee.

4, Terms — Of cource, all sellers will give their VIP customers the best terms, and there should be no much differences for the best terms in a SAFE business. 

5, Warranty — 1 year.

6, Service level and quality — We think actually this is the most difference between sellers. 

I’m proud to say we certainly have sufficient professional knowledge and skills to serve you better:

a, You won’t need to worry about buying the fake or wrong p/n, package/case or dc… from us.

b, For some really hard to find parts, we may usually have ability to suggest a pin-to pin replacement.

c, For some products that are prone to problems, we may be able to help you to avoid the risk, or help to give a right analysis against a problem.

d, We have ability to provide some intelligences information value, such us your potential competitors at a certain time, daily or weekly hot sales, it may help to hold stock for those short of stock ones.

e, We are willing to think of providing you various ways of partner cooperation, such as QC and ship for you while you buy from others as well, or behave as your china branch too, or more…

f, We always aim for a long term relationship business, Friendly relationship besides business, and believe that only work hard, honest, positive, motivated, Polite, humble and thoughtful can do things better.

Perhaps we may not be the most outstanding in a single aspect, but in terms of all aspects, i believe we are in the top.